Camp Ministry

Camp ministry

A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.

Sports camp / clinic

Target: 8-12 years old or 13-15 years old
Sports camps are sports-specific camps for elementary and junior high school students in the area. For beginners to intermediate students who want to improve their sports, focusing on one sport. The camp is based on a Bible-based theme and consists of training, recreation and huddle.

Power camp

Target: 8-12 years old
Power camp is a kids camp for local elementary school students. For children who are beginners or want to improve in their sport. There are two types, a multi-sport type that combines multiple sports and a type that focuses on one sport. The camp is based on a Bible-based theme and consists of training, recreation and huddle.

Camp Partners / Volunteers

FCA Japan shares a camp program in partnership with local churches and groups as a way to approach the community. If you have a church or organization that is interested in the program, please feel free to contact us. We are also looking for interpreters, coaches, huddle leaders, and medical volunteers who will be able to liven up the camp together.
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